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This sterile edifice became the headquarters of the wildly popular nationwide program "Success-N-Life" - a faith-based "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." A decade in the wilderness paid dividends with the establishment of Word of Faith Family Church north of Dallas. Listless at university, Tilton took the yuks to heart by establishing his own canvass-based road show. He and his cohorts would run down front, imploring the hucksters to "save" them along with the rubes. According to "Primetime Live," Tilton was then struggling through college, enamored of getting hogged up on Saturday night as a prelude to local tent revival meetings. Tilton's march toward televangelist titanhood began in the early 1970s.

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At its apex, his empire reaped $80 million annually, before an ABC investigation put the screws on his allegedly fraudulent outfit in 1991. To my amazement, the self-described "apple of God's eye" had been snatched from media purgatory by the libs at Black Entertainment Television.Īlthough he avoided the media frenzy that dogged his predecessors Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, Tilton was a heavy in his day. who believe his garbage." Amazed at Tilton's Lazarus shimmy, I double-checked the channel.

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He has tangled with law enforcement, leading Texas Attorney General Dan Morales to tar Tilton with "raping the most vulnerable segments of our society - the poor, the infirm, the ignorant. Known to those entertained by televangelists in the early 1990s, Tilton's unscrupulous antics are legendary. Robert Tilton, the shameless profit prophet, is back on the air.

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