You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Greeman defeats the Soviet commander, the Evil Scientist turns on him and tries to kill him with turrets. This version is easier and way more playable than the original one which makes it better and here the link to the game.Took a Level in Badass: After being the Butt-Monkeys for most of the game, the scientists become a full-fledged enemy who can give Greeman a run for his money.Kill and Replace: Fordon steals a scientist's hazard suit and kills him, allowing Fordon to disguise as him.Dirty Communists: As a substitute for the Nazis in the previous installment, Microsoft Sam voiced Soviet grunts are the main antagonist force in the campaign.Butt-Monkey: The scientists are often slaughtered for the sake of Black Comedy.At the end, he shows up and follows through on his promise, blowing up himself along with the Big Bad.
Brick Joke: At the start, the guard who witnesses a scientist masturbate and then blow up in his face Goes Mad from the Revelation and decides to do something stupid before killing himself and lets Fordon pass.It includes the same weapons, killstreaksrewards gained that allows the player to locate opponents or call in military aircraft to attack them. Big Bad: The Evil Scientist who pretends to be an ally and then tries to kill Greeman. Modern Warfare Remastered features an updated version of the multiplayer mode that shares similarities with those featured in later Call of Duty games.