Call of duty cd key not working with steam
Call of duty cd key not working with steam

There’s still no solution for this, but it’s probably going to be fixed soon. UI Error 18408More than a few people have complained about getting this error when trying to switch weapons.

  • Find the line that contains WorkerThreads=4.
  • Go to Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\players.
  • Open the task manager and set Black Ops 3 to High Priority.
  • Black screen on PCIf you’re seeing a black screen with the audio working, you should do the following: If it doesn’t change after a while, restart the game and try again.įor Console players: Restart your console to download the latest game update. Wait for a couple of minutes for the number in the top right corner to change from to When it get to the title screen, don’t press anything. Black Ops 3 can’t connect to the internetIf you’re having trouble connecting the the internet on any platform, you should restart the game. It’s a widespread, known issue, and the developers are working on a fix for this.
  • Disable some/all of these advanced settings:Ĭan’t access Nuk3town and Giant maps on Xbox OneXbox One users have reported not being able to play the Nuk3town and The Giant maps.
  • Cap your FPS to just below the refresh rate of your monitor.
  • Set Mouse Polling Resolution to 250Hz or less.
  • Set screen resolution to something less than 100%.
  • There’s several workarounds you could try: Black Ops 3 Mouse Lag on PCMany players are having issues with mouse lag on PC. This is a known issue, the teams are aware of this and are investigating now.

    #Call of duty cd key not working with steam Pc#

    Xbox 360, PS3 and PC players are having problems finding a match on BO3.

    call of duty cd key not working with steam

    Update: The topmost errors are dedicated to the final release of the game, but you can still find the beta errors by scrolling down, if you wish. In this guide, we’re going to give you the solutions to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 errors and problems. Most of them are quickly solved, once you know where to look. There are several common problems, issues and errors people are encountering with Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

    Call of duty cd key not working with steam